How to use technology to alleviate face fact in a healthier way?

The face is the part of our body that is always out there and can cause many insecurities. Having a rounder face can be frustrating because we all know how to exercise the body, . But before we dive into it, let’s understand how and why some of us get extra chubby cheeks.

What makes a face look chubby in the first place?

We all have fat compartments below the skin’s surface. However, the amount of fat these compartments store varies from person to person. Having some fat in the face is essential to provide volume and plumpness. But when in excess, it creates chubby cheeks and a double chin. The face has five layers of tissue, and two of them are fat layers, including subcutaneous fat and deep fat. Even when the subcutaneous layer of fat is thin, the deep fat layer can make your face look round. 

The factors that can contribute to a puffy face and chubby cheeks are weight gain, genetics, hormonal changes, and aging.

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Integrating different aspects of your lifestyle will help you to lose body and face fat. Changing your diet and exercising more often will help you with weight loss, and weight loss can help shape your face.

What foods should you include in your diet to help your face slimming process?

Low sugar foods

Most of us will agree that sugar is delicious. However, processed sugars are not healthy. Eating too much sugar can lead to low energy levels, inflammation, and weight gain. Sugar really is the villain when it comes to your daily calorie intake. Instead of unhealthy and high-calorie processed sugar foods, try to include in your diet low sugar alternatives. Substitute your fruit juice for coffee or tea and give DIY flavored water a try. It’s a game-changer.

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Load up the veggies

Veggies are a great source of fibers and vitamins. The good thing about veggies is that you can eat a ‘ton’ because they are low in calories and are filling. Veggies are loaded with essential nutrients needed to anti-oxidize the body and increase the metabolism, responsible for generating new skin tissue. Choose raw leafy greens to get the most vitamins and minerals.   

Get your proteins

Lean protein is an important nutrient for reducing body and face fat. A high protein intake boosts metabolism, helps you feel satisfied and full of energy, encourages your digestive system to work properly, and discourages the body from burning muscle. Good sources of protein include sushi, eggs, and chicken. Sushi is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. These acids encourage cell regeneration improving your skin and hair health.  


Salty foods

Excess salt is not only bad for your blood pressure, but it is also inflammatory and creates temporary fluid weight gain. What is surprising is that sometimes the foods we least expect are high in sodium. Soya sauce is one of those examples. Although soy sauce is low in calories and soybeans are healthy, the salt levels are too high, leading to inflamed skin and a puffy face.

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Two of the most recognizable multi-grain foods are bread and pasta, and we all know the consequences of eating these two in excess. The problem with multi-grains is that they can include several different types of refined grains. They have more carbs gram for gram, have fewer nutrients, and are higher in calories. All these calories will convert into fat easily.

Cut the sweets

Unfortunately, most foods available at the supermarket have some added sugar. Eating sugar will make your blood sugar levels spike. If you are considering substituting your sugar for sugar-free products to keep your blood sugar levels under control, be aware that many of these products contain unhealthy sugar alternatives that cause the same problem when eating carbohydrates, according to medicalnewstoday, which sends the body into fat-storing mode. PRO TIP: Always read the nutrition labels of the foods you buy. It will prevent you from buying foods high in sugar.

How to use technology to alleviate face fact in a healthier way ??


According to researchgate, microcurrents are similar to the electrical currents used in the body’s natural healing process. What Healthline calls a “painless way to take your face to the gym” is using similar electrical currents to what your body already uses to exercise the muscles and boost cell growth. Microcurrent therapy has “immediate benefits with absolutely no recovery time”, according to Graceanne Svendsen, LE, CME, licensed aesthetician. 

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Post time: Feb-12-2022